Tuesday, March 6, 2012

More UK Madness

THANK YOU SayUncle for this

From The Sun. Health & safety officials ban hot drinks – from a COFFEE morning

Volunteers have been ordered to change the name of the Friday morning sessions from 'Coffee and Play' to just 'Baby Play'.

ORDERED to change the name. Why not just offer cold coffee?

And the Anti-Rights Establishment sing in harmony "UK is just a free as the US, they just have less 'gun deaths'." Be that as it may, the UK still has a Violent Crime Rate 5 times that of the US.

Getting back to the article:

Biscuits have also been replaced by healthy snacks including fruit and bread sticks.


The weekly 90-minute sessions have been running for five years for children aged 18 months and under

OMG! that's 23,400 minutes that the kiddos are exposed to hot coffee. OMG! I wonder how many tots have been injured.

and no toddler has ever been injured in that time

And the Anti-Rights Establishment still sing in harmony "UK is just a free as the US, they just have less 'gun deaths'."

But last week Warwickshire County Council introduced the ban after it ruled hot drinks were a hazard to toddlers.

No surveys, no studies, Not One Single Injury, but some bureaucrat arbitrarily determined that hot coffee was a safety hazard to tots. Hey UK, I did a quick study for you. It seems tots are 55 times more likely to die in a traffic accident than to be burned by hot coffee at the Coffee and Play. Dumbasses.

And the Anti-Rights Establishment continue to sing in harmony "UK is just a free as the US, they just have less 'gun deaths'."

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